Hot tubs are synonymous with relaxation, offering a warm and rejuvenating escape from daily stresses. However, to keep your AquaSolus hot tub a true sanctuary, regular care and balanced chemical levels are essential. A well-maintained hot tub is safer, more enjoyable, and lasts longer—particularly when it comes to managing the right levels of chlorine or other sanitizers.
Understanding the types and functions of hot tub sanitizers, such as chlorine and bromine, can help you make the best choices for your AquaSolus spa system. Here’s everything you need to know about how much chlorine to add to your hot tub for the first time and in daily use, so your hot tub stays crystal clear and inviting.
Chlorine is one of the most effective hot tub sanitizers, designed to keep your water clean, safe, and pleasant. While some might wonder if it’s possible to skip chemicals, a sanitizer like chlorine is critical in preventing harmful bacteria, algae, and other contaminants from developing in your tub. Without it, your spa water could quickly turn green, becoming unsanitary and unappealing.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, as chlorine levels depend on factors like usage and hot tub size. However, a good rule of thumb is to test your hot tub’s chlorine levels every few days. Add more as needed according to the specific instructions provided by your chosen chlorine product. This routine allows you to maintain optimal levels without overdoing it.
When filling your AquaSolus hot tub for the first time, or after a drain and refill, start with a slightly higher chlorine dose. Many experts recommend adding around 3-5 grams of chlorine (or reaching 3-5 parts per million) for every 100 gallons of water. Remember to follow the instructions on your chosen chlorine product, as recommended amounts may vary. Once balanced, aim to keep chlorine levels below 5ppm to avoid overly chlorinated water.
Daily chlorine additions vary depending on your hot tub’s current chlorine level, how often it’s used, and other factors like the type of chlorine used (tablets, granules, or liquid). If your hot tub was recently “shocked” with a higher dose of chlorine, you might not need to add more for a day or two. In general, here’s what to consider:
For ongoing maintenance, follow your sanitizer’s instructions and avoid over-chlorinating.
Shocking is an intensive cleaning process, typically done every 1-2 weeks or as needed. It involves a concentrated chlorine dose to break down contaminants and rapidly restore cleanliness. Aim for around 35g of chlorine shock per 1,500 liters of water or according to your product’s specific directions.
With AquaSolus, you have flexibility in choosing the type of chlorine best suited for your needs:
Each form of chlorine has its benefits, so consider experimenting to see what works best for your spa routine.
Depending on your hot tub size and use, as a general guideline, you may need:
Ready to elevate your wellness experience with AquaSolus? We offer a range of hydrotherapy-focused hot tubs inspired by nature, engineered to maximize relaxation and enhance your lifestyle. Whether you’re a new spa owner or a seasoned enthusiast, AquaSolus has a model to match your wellness goals.
Visit our website to explore our full collection and connect with a nearby showroom to see your favorite models in person. Don’t forget to check out our Hot Tub Owner’s Hub for more expert advice on keeping your AquaSolus hot tub in perfect condition.